Urban development management Project of Reparcelling of phase 4 of polygonal delimitation suitable to the MPGM in the polygon of the Cheap Houses of the Neighborhood of the Good Shepherd of Barcelona (Reparcellación in Barcelona)
Urban development management Reparcelling Project- Redevelopment in the area between Fresser, Trinxant and Industria streets in the “Sant Martí” district, Barcelona
Urban development management Reparcelling Project- Reparcelling of the Unit of Action no. 17 in the municipality of “Polinyà”
Urban development management Land subdivision project of phase 2 of the performance unit B of the District of Bon Pastor in Barcelona
Urban development management Land subdivision project of phase 1 of the performance unit B of the District of Bon Pastor in Barcelona
Urban development management Specific modification of the General Management Plan o Master Plan (MP of the PGO) for the management and structure of the open spaces in Sabadell (Barcelona)